Hey friends, It’s your friend T Tymoff and today I have a funny yet disturbing experience to share with you. I am having a weird time with Gemini. I don’t know if it is happening with every one of just me, but Gemini is giving me weird random letters that don’t even make sense. And I have Gemini advanced! It’s a plain joke, to be honest. Here is what I experienced today.
What’s wrong with Gemini, Google?
Seriously, what’s wrong with Gemini? How can it be called Artificial Intelligence and be this stupid?
Here’s what happened with me when I was working with Gemini’s chatbot today:
First, I uploaded a Webp image and asked Gemini to text it. See the image for my chat details:
Now, this weird gibberish with random language and words that make no sense at all was still something I could forgive, considering the idea that I had uploaded an image and it might not have been able to read it properly. I forgave Gemini and decided to ask it to OCR it, which again gave the same response. I still decided to ignore this and chose to rather continue this conversation normally in English with just text. Now this is where it lost me.
I asked Gemini to explain this phrase to me “the support link is used to find help using your d2l course.” It responded properly by telling me that “The statement “the support link is used to find help using your D2L course” is generally true. Support links within a D2L course are typically designed to provide assistance to students who are having difficulties navigating the course, understanding assignments, or encountering technical issues.”
It was all good until I continued the chat by asking “What is D2L?”. This is what it responded with:
I will paste a part of Gemini’s’ response to my question : What is D2L?
Gemini responded with:
Dpropertyjosketbidestehest settingIcon instrshe instrIGHTيدIGHT”></Iconproperty score ShowAutowiredAutowired Vo bor borードketmages就是ketmad except preventjos insträngbid instr就是Pay ii prevent сво Whomad就是 Whojos suaには”></bid своFull preventيد borтовFull Show guy就是 în Whoтовmages score iiには guy settingmadproperty своproperty suaFullproperty sua Who”></ Showbid sua exceptmagesängängтовmagesードтов instrтовードosen settingFullhest înIGHT就是propertyPayIconeste înにはmadhest Show instrket guy WhoPay scorejosFull iiPayPay”></Full iiтовpropertyängPay Who bor preventäng就是 settingshe Vomad Who guyIconosenード ii”></she iimad ПоIGHTIGHTosen Voproperty guyードket就是 preventيد iiIGHTjos decidedpropertyيد sua сво thous Vo instrhest”></Iconmages sua Whomages Vo VoPay score în în borтовIGHT就是magesosenードket”>
Gemini’s response
What the hell is that thing? What does it even mean, Google?
Google recently updated Gemini on 26 August 2024
But when I scrolled all the way to the top of my Gemini’s chat page, I saw a notice of recent update claiming that Gemini had become better! Not in my experience, though!
Yet, I clicked on the Gemini update log’s link and found that Google has released an update on 26 August. The update log said this:
Document Upload and Data Analysis now available for Gemini for Google Workspace add-on subscribers
- What: Users with a qualifying Gemini for Google Workspace add-on subscription can now upload Google Sheets, Google Docs, CSVs, PDFs as well as Excel and Word files from Google Drive or your device. With Document Upload, business users can elevate research and writing tasks, and identify trends within those documents. With Data Analysis, business users can process and explore data for deeper insights as well as create presentation ready charts.
- Why: Streamline workflows, and process and visualize data across your documents to unlock deeper insights with Gemini
Source: Gemini Apps’ release updates & improvements (google.com)
Now, as per the update, Google’s Gemini can now let people using Google workspace upload documents from the drive or device, and as per google, business users can “elevate” their tasks! Seriously? Elevate? My experience was rather disappointing than ‘elevated’, Google!
The log used heavy words like “process and explore data for deeper insights” for an AI model that cannot even read an image properly!
Not only this, but Gemini recently has also been more disappointing than it has been helpful. It has chain conversation issue too, because of which it forgets what we were talking about and also mixes topics if you switch from one topic to another in the conversation. It also denies responses a lot for even simple questions!
One of my cousins works for Google’s Gemini’s training team and she trains Gemini for Data Science related topics. I talked to her but she hadn’t experienced this glitch. I also asked in there was any major release of update but she was unaware of this. So I am assuming that either this is a certain glitch of bug that gets triggered on either image processing or it is just user-specific.
Whatever it was, I though I should share this horrible experience I had and I wanted you all to share your insights on this too. Have you been experiencing these glitches too with Gemini? Drop a comment or you know how to contact me on email too, so do it there!
For more updates, keep following my blog at Tymoff Today!