Fun List of Animal Names Starting with Each Letter (With 100 Bonus Names)

Fun List of Animal Names Starting with Each Letter (With 100 Bonus Names)

Hey Tymoff lovers, in this series of names with alphabets, we are bringing a list of names of animals starting from each alphabet letter! In our last article, we wrote about country names with each letter of alphabet, and similarly we are going to write the names of animals for different letters. Just like countries, this list will help you in animal quizzes as well as public questions asked by podcasters and YouTubers which will not only make you go viral but also give you confidence in public places.

If you are an animal enthusiast and want to know the names of animals starting from different letters of alphabet, then check this list below.

List of animals starting with letter A

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “A”:

  • Aardvark
  • Albatross
  • Alligator
  • Antelope
  • Armadillo
  • Axolotl

List of animals starting with letter B

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “B”:

  • Baboon
  • Badger
  • Bandicoot
  • Barracuda
  • Bison
  • Bonobo

List of animals starting with letter C

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “C”:

  • Capybara
  • Caracal
  • Cassowary
  • Chinchilla
  • Coati
  • Coyote

List of animals starting with letter D

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “D”:

  • Dingo
  • Dugong
  • Dromedary
  • Dodo
  • Dung Beetle
  • Dormouse

List of animals starting with letter E

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “E”:

  • Echidna
  • Eland
  • Elephant
  • Elk
  • Emu
  • Eel

List of animals starting with letter F

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “F”:

  • Fennec Fox
  • Ferret
  • Flamingo
  • Fossa
  • Frog
  • Frigatebird

List of animals starting with letter G

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “G”:

  • Gazelle
  • Gecko
  • Gibbon
  • Giraffe
  • Gorilla
  • Guppy

List of animals starting with letter H

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “H”:

  • Hedgehog
  • Heron
  • Hippopotamus
  • Hyena
  • Honey Badger
  • Hummingbird

List of animals starting with letter I

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “I”:

  • Ibex
  • Ibis
  • Iguana
  • Impala
  • Indian Elephant
  • Indri

List of animals starting with letter J

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “J”:

  • Jaguar
  • Jackal
  • Jellyfish
  • Jerboa
  • Junco
  • Jabiru

List of animals starting with letter K

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “K”:

  • Kangaroo
  • Koala
  • Kakapo
  • Kiwi
  • Kudu
  • Kingfisher

List of animals starting with letter L

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “L”:

  • Llama
  • Loris
  • Lynx
  • Lemur
  • Leopard
  • Lobster

List of animals starting with letter M

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “M”:

  • Macaw
  • Manatee
  • Meerkat
  • Mongoose
  • Moose
  • Manta Ray

List of animals starting with letter N

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “N”:

  • Narwhal
  • Newt
  • Numbat
  • Nyala
  • Nightjar
  • Nautilus

List of animals starting with letter O

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “O”:

  • Ocelot
  • Octopus
  • Okapi
  • Opossum
  • Orangutan
  • Ostrich

List of animals starting with letter P

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “P”:

  • Pangolin
  • Parrot
  • Peacock
  • Platypus
  • Porcupine
  • Puma

List of animals starting with letter Q

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “Q”:

  • Quail
  • Quetzal
  • Quokka
  • Quoll

List of animals starting with letter R

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “R”:

  • Raccoon
  • Rat
  • Reindeer
  • Rhinoceros
  • Robin
  • Rattlesnake

List of animals starting with letter S

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “S”:

  • Salamander
  • Scorpion
  • Seahorse
  • Sloth
  • Squirrel
  • Swan

List of animals starting with letter T

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “T”:

  • Tapir
  • Tarsier
  • Tiger
  • Tortoise
  • Toucan
  • Tamarin

List of animals starting with letter U

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “U”:

  • Uakari
  • Umbrellabird
  • Urchin
  • Uromastyx

List of animals starting with letter V

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “V”:

  • Vampire Bat
  • Vervet Monkey
  • Vicuna
  • Viper
  • Vulture
  • Vaquita

List of animals starting with letter W

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “W”:

  • Wallaby
  • Walrus
  • Warthog
  • Weasel
  • Wildebeest
  • Wombat

List of animals starting with letter X

There are very few animals whose names start with the letter “X”:

  • Xenopus
  • X-ray Tetra
  • Xantus’s Hummingbird

List of animals starting with letter Y

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “Y”:

  • Yak
  • Yellowfin Tuna
  • Yellowjacket
  • Yabby

List of animals starting with letter Z

Here is a list of animals whose names start with the letter “Z”:

  • Zebra
  • Zebu
  • Zorilla
  • Zander

That’s it! That’s our brief list of animal names with various letters of alphabets. However, this is not a complete list as there are so many animals on this planet and also many of them have more than one names. We will try to provide you some smart and unique animal names which you can use to impress people when having a conversation. These uncommon names of animals are not known by many and you can use these to surprise your friends with your amazing knowledge!

Unique And Lesser-Known Animal Names from Different Letters of Alphabets

Here is our list of very lesser-known animal names which are either not known by many or, even if they are known, they are known by some other name which might be common! So check out this list of unique animal names with various letters of English alphabets:

  1. Andean cock-of-the-rock
  2. Ankole-Watusi
  3. Axolotl
  4. Aye-aye
  5. Beira antelope
  6. Binturong
  7. Blue dragon (sea slug)
  8. Bongo
  9. Chinese water deer
  10. Civet
  11. Colugo
  12. Cuscus
  13. Dhole
  14. Dhole
  15. Dibbler
  16. Dumbo octopus
  17. Echidna
  18. Eland
  19. Epaulette shark
  20. Eulipotyphla (group including hedgehogs and moles)
  21. False gharial
  22. Fennec fox
  23. Fossa
  24. Frigatebird
  25. Genet
  26. Gerenuk
  27. Gharial
  28. Goliath birdeater
  29. Hairy frog
  30. Harpy eagle
  31. Hoatzin
  32. Hummingbird hawk-moth
  33. Iberian lynx
  34. Ibex
  35. Indri
  36. Irrawaddy dolphin
  37. Jambu fruit dove
  38. Japanese spider crab
  39. Javelina (Peccary)
  40. Jerboa
  41. Kākā
  42. Kakapo
  43. Kinkajou
  44. Kori bustard
  45. Lamprey
  46. Lechwe
  47. Lesser kudu
  48. Long-beaked echidna
  49. Maned wolf
  50. Margay
  51. Markhor
  52. Mudskipper
  53. Naked mole-rat
  54. Nkupe
  55. Numbat
  56. Numbfish
  57. Okapi
  58. Olingo
  59. Olm
  60. Onager
  61. Paca
  62. Pangolin
  63. Pudu
  64. Pygmy marmoset
  65. Quagga (extinct subspecies of zebra)
  66. Quagga catfish
  67. Quokka
  68. Quoll
  69. Ratel (Honey Badger)
  70. Red panda
  71. Red uakari
  72. Red-lipped batfish
  73. Saiga
  74. Shoebill
  75. Sifaka
  76. Sun bear
  77. Takin
  78. Tasmanian devil
  79. Tenrec
  80. Tree pangolin
  81. Uakari
  82. Urial
  83. Uromastyx
  84. Uroplatus (leaf-tailed geckos)
  85. Vampire squid
  86. Vaquita
  87. Vicuña
  88. Water chevrotain
  89. Weta
  90. Wombat
  91. Xenarthra (group including armadillos and sloths)
  92. Xenops
  93. Xerus (African ground squirrels)
  94. Yapok
  95. Yellow-bellied weasel
  96. Yellow-footed rock wallaby
  97. Yeti crab
  98. Zebu
  99. Zokor
  100. Zorilla

Did you like this list? If yes, please drop a comment to encourage us! That means a lot!


Which animal has most names?

Probably the domestic dog. Across various language and because of variety of breeds, the domestic dog has most names among popular animals. However, there is no certain list that can clarify this.

Which letter has most animal names starting with it?

Probably B. It is assumed that animals with names starting with B are highest in numbers. Some examples are Bear, Bee, Bison, Buffalo etc.

Which animal has longest valid scientific name?

The Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides is known to have the longest valid scientific name. It is a species of soldier fly and is found primarily in Thailand.

T Tymoff is the owner of Tymoff Today. He has worked on various projects and is currently leading the content team of the magazine. T Tymoff has a 10+ years of experience in visual content creation.

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